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The College of Anton Neuwirth ('KAN') is  a civic association that carries out its activities and provides services on the basis of the registration of the statutes on 6 February 2009 in the Register of Civic Associations maintained by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. Operators of information systems, v  whose personal data of the persons concerned are processed is the Anton Neuwirth College, with its registered office at Námestie padlých hrdinov 7, Ivanka pri Dunaji, IČO: 42138515.

Legal basis of OU processing

The person in charge of supervising the protection of personal data is the Executive Director of KAN. IN  if you have questions regarding the processing of personal data, or other questions, you can contact the Executive Director at or in writing by letter sent to the address of our registered office.


According to Act No. 18/2018 Coll  Protection of Personal Data (ZOOU) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC data protection) data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such person being a person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by a generally applicable identifier or by one or more of the characteristics or features that make up his physical, physiological, mental, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Any natural person to whom personal data relate is considered to be a Data subject in  within the meaning of the Act on  protection of personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation. The person concerned may in  legal relations to act as a member of a civic association, donor, student, employee and  Come.

When processing personal data, we proceed in  in accordance with  legal order, in particular

  • Act no. 83/1990 Coll. on the association of citizens,

  • Act no. 395/2002 Coll. about  archives and  registries,

  • Act no. 18/2018 Z.  from. about  personal data protection,

  • General Data Protection Regulation.


Alone  The General Data Protection Regulation allows us to process personal data as long as:

  • the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for at least one specific purpose,

  • the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the execution of a pre-contractual measure at the request of the data subject,

  • the processing of personal data is necessary according to a special regulation or an international agreement by which the Slovak Republic is bound,

  • the processing of personal data is necessary for the protection of the life, health or property of the person concerned or of another natural person,

  • the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the controller, or

  • the processing of personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party, except where those interests outweigh the interests or rights of the data subject requiring the protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child; this legal basis does not apply to the processing of personal data by public authorities in the performance of their tasks.


The legal basis for the needs of KAN is   the contract between the person concerned and  KAN, special legal regulation,  the legitimate interest of KAN or a third party and the consent of the person concerned.


Legitimate interests

KAN also processes personal data on the basis of the so-called legitimate interests. If an interest of the controller is considered legitimate, he may process the personal data of the data subject in order to achieve them, provided that his rights and interests outweigh the fundamental rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subjects. It follows that, before personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests, KAN verifies whether the interest is actually justified and then assesses whether the legitimate interest outweighs the rights and freedoms of the data subject. The data subject has the right to object to such a procedure to the Executive Director of KAN against the processing and to request the deletion of personal data. Following such an objection, the operator must make an individual assessment of whether his legitimate interest actually outweighs the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned who has raised an objection.

The legitimate interests of KAN include:

  • protection of KAN property,

  • protection of employees' safety and  affected persons of KAN,

  • prevention a  crime detection,

  • provision of ancillary services and  offers to the affected persons of KAN.


Scope of personal data processed

In its activities, KAN processes the personal data of the persons concerned. The scope, or the list of processed personal data, is determined by law, or is stated in the contract or in another document between KAN and the affected person, or is stated in the consent to the processing of personal data. We process personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose of their processing. We obtain personal data from applications, web questionnaires, by copying, scanning or otherwise recording from the identity documents of the person concerned and making copies of them, or in another way.


When providing our services, we process the following categories of personal data in particular:

  1. Identity and contact details: in particular title, name, surname, permanent residence address, temporary residence address, correspondence address, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, contact telephone number, e-mail address, photograph of the person concerned, name of school and department persons, awards and prizes in competitions.

  2. Transaction data: in particular data on provided services, data on received and sent payments, data on the person of the payee, data obtained during the conclusion of contracts or pre-contractual relations, use of KAN services;

  3. Demographics and social status: in particular age, sex, education or qualifications, marital status;

  4. Geolocation data:  To optimize the website in terms of system performance, usability and providing useful information about our products and services, we process information from log files on your computer (so-called cookies) to the extent such as. user behavior, activities within the active elements of the page, connection and computer data, in particular IP address, browser type and settings, operating system, as well as other parameters related to the computer's operating system. We use this information to effectively manage the site to learn more about our users' behavior on the site, to analyze trends, and to collect demographic data about our users as a whole, to prevent fraud. More information on the processing of cookies and the use of the website can be found in a separate section of this document.


Indication of the third parties who are recipients of the OU with a justification

We do not make the personal data of the persons concerned available to third parties.

Information on the transfer of OUs to third countries and how to secure them

No personal data of the data subjects shall be transferred to third countries which do not guarantee adequate protection of personal data.

Retention times and methods for their determination

The time of processing and archiving of personal data concerning the data subject is determined by valid legal regulations or is agreed between KAN and the data subject.

We store personal data for the duration of the contract so that we can provide you with our services. The general retention period for personal data concerning the data subject is  set at 10 years from the end of the legal relationship between the operator and the person concerned in order to fulfill all the obligations arising from the legislation.

Legitimate interests

KAN also processes personal data on the basis of the so-called legitimate interests. If an interest of the controller is considered legitimate, he may process the personal data of the data subject in order to achieve them, provided that his rights and interests outweigh the fundamental rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subjects. It follows that, before personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests, KAN verifies whether the interest is actually justified and then assesses whether the legitimate interest outweighs the rights and freedoms of the data subject. The data subject has the right to object to such a procedure to the Executive Director of KAN against the processing and to request the deletion of personal data. Following such an objection, the operator must make an individual assessment of whether his legitimate interest actually outweighs the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned who has raised an objection.

The legitimate interests of KAN include:

  • protection of KAN property,

  • protection of employees' safety and  affected persons of KAN,

  • prevention a  crime detection,

  • provision of ancillary services and  offers to the affected persons of KAN.


Scope of personal data processed

In its activities, KAN processes the personal data of the persons concerned. The scope, or the list of processed personal data, is determined by law, or is stated in the contract or in another document between KAN and the affected person, or is stated in the consent to the processing of personal data. We process personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose of their processing. We obtain personal data from applications, web questionnaires, by copying, scanning or otherwise recording from the identity documents of the person concerned and making copies of them, or in another way.

When providing our services, we process the following categories of personal data in particular:

  1. Identity and contact details: in particular title, name, surname, permanent residence address, temporary residence address, correspondence address, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, contact telephone number, e-mail address, photograph of the person concerned, name of school and department persons, awards and prizes in competitions.

  2. Transaction data: in particular data on provided services, data on received and sent payments, data on the person of the payee, data obtained during the conclusion of contracts or pre-contractual relations, use of KAN services;

  3. Demographics and social status: in particular age, sex, education or qualifications, marital status;

  4. Geolocation data:  To optimize the website in terms of system performance, usability and providing useful information about our products and services, we process information from log files on your computer (so-called cookies) to the extent such as. user behavior, activities within the active elements of the page, connection and computer data, in particular IP address, browser type and settings, operating system, as well as other parameters related to the computer's operating system. We use this information to effectively manage the site to learn more about our users' behavior on the site, to analyze trends, and to collect demographic data about our users as a whole, to prevent fraud. More information on the processing of cookies and the use of the website can be found in a separate section of this document.


Indication of the third parties who are recipients of the OU with a justification

We do not make the personal data of the persons concerned available to third parties.

Information on the transfer of OUs to third countries and how to secure them

No personal data of the data subjects shall be transferred to third countries which do not guarantee adequate protection of personal data.

Retention times and methods for their determination

The time of processing and archiving of personal data concerning the data subject is determined by valid legal regulations or is agreed between KAN and the data subject.

We store personal data for the duration of the contract so that we can provide you with our services. The general retention period for personal data concerning the data subject is  set at 10 years from the end of the legal relationship between the operator and the person concerned in order to fulfill all the obligations arising from the legislation.

List of rights of the data subject

Among the rights of the Affected Persons referred to in § 19 a  nasl. Act on  personal data protection and  Art. 12 a  nasl. The General Data Protection Regulation includes the right to information or notification of:

- the identification and contact details of the operator and of the operator's representative, if authorized,

- contact details of the responsible person,

- the purpose of the processing of personal data for which the personal data are intended,

- the legal basis for the processing of personal data,

-  legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party where the processing of personal data is  necessary for the legitimate interests of the operator or a third party,

- identification of the recipient or category of recipient,

-  that the controller intends to transfer personal data to a third country or international organization,
the identification of the third country or international organization, the existence or non-existence of a decision of the European Commission on the adequacy or a reference to the appropriate guarantees or guarantees and the means of obtaining a copy or information on where they have been made available,


-  the retention period of personal data; if this is not possible, information on the criteria for its determination,

-  the right to request from the controller access to personal data concerning the data subject, the right to rectify personal data, the right to delete personal data or the right to restrict the processing of personal data, the right to object to the processing of personal data and the right to transfer personal data ,

-  withdraw your consent at any time,

-  just turn to  Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic  and apply for the initiation of proceedings on  that his / her rights under  Act on  personal data protection and  General Data Protection Regulation,

- whether the provision of personal data is a legal requirement or a contractual requirement or a requirement necessary for the conclusion of the contract, and whether the data subject is obliged to provide personal data, as well as the possible consequences of not providing personal data,

-  the existence of automated individual decision-making, including profiling; in such cases, the controller shall provide the data subject with information on the procedure used as well as on the meaning and expected consequences of such processing of personal data for the data subject.

-  other purpose of the processing and other relevant information mentioned above, if the controller intends to further process personal data for a purpose other than that for which they were obtained,

- just obtain a confirmation from the controller as to whether personal data concerning him are being processed. If the controller processes such personal data, the data subject has the right to access such personal data,

-  the right to request from the controller the correction of personal data concerning the data subject, their deletion or restriction of their processing, or the right to object to the processing of personal data,

-  sources of personal data, if personal data have not been obtained from the data subject,

-  adequate safeguards regarding the transfer of personal data to third countries or to an international organization.

-  correction of personal data, deletion of personal data or restrictions on the processing of personal data,

- right to obtain personal data concerning him which he has provided to the controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and has the right to transfer such personal data to another controller, if technically possible,

-  to object to the processing of her personal data on grounds relating to her specific situation  including profiling. The controller may not further process personal data unless it demonstrates the necessary legitimate interests for the processing of personal data which:  prevail over the rights or interests of the person concerned, or the grounds for exercising a legal right,

- the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning it for the purpose of direct marketing, including profiling, in so far as it relates to direct marketing. If the data subject objects to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes, the controller may not further process personal data for direct marketing purposes,

-  precisely that it should not be covered by a decision which is based exclusively on the automated processing of personal data, including profiling, and which has legal effects affecting or similarly significantly affecting it,

- the controller's obligation to notify the data subject without undue delay of a personal data breach, where such a breach of personal data protection may lead to a high risk to the rights of the natural person.

The person concerned may exercise his rights in the following ways:

  • in writing and  from  the content of the application must show that he is exercising his right. An application submitted by e-mail or fax must also be received in writing no later than three days from the date of its dispatch,

  • in person orally in the minutes, from which it must be clear who exercised the right, what he is seeking and when and who drew up the minutes, his signature and the signature of the person concerned; the operator is obliged to hand over a copy of the minutes to the person concerned,

  • at the intermediary in the above-mentioned ways, the intermediary being obliged to submit this request or minutes to the operator without undue delay.

We will process the request of the person concerned in  within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written request. IN  in some specific cases, a longer period may be required to examine the application. We will process such requests in  a period of sixty (60) days; and  from the date of receipt of the written request, and  we will inform the person concerned in writing of  application of a longer period.

The data subject also has the right to address his / her application directly to the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic.

Processing of personal data

We attach particular importance to protecting the confidentiality of both current and potential clients using Internet services. At the same time, we want to provide you with general information regarding the rules for the collection, processing and use of information about users of the KAN website.

KAN is the owner and operator of the website and  to:

According to the Copyright Act (Act No. 618/2003 Coll. On Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright, as amended), KAN, as the author of this website, has property rights to this website, including any part thereof and the content stated on it. .

Through the website, there may be  collection of personal data. If access to certain data and information on the website is conditional on the provision of data that may have the character of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation, the user has the right to express his consent to their processing and  archiving.

Personal data collected through the website may be processed for the purpose of sending our Newsletter and  direct marketing, for the purpose of obtaining your suggestions, opinions and  comments. KAN may also use this data to evaluate user activity, to compile statistics and to improve services and information provided through websites and for the purpose of conducting surveys.

KAN collects personal data for the above purposes exclusively through the forms displayed on the websites and  the data subject provides personal data voluntarily and  with your consent.

The user acknowledges that all information and personal data provided to KAN through the website is provided voluntarily, the personal data provided is true and current.

The user is aware that he is aware of his rights in the processing of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation. Upon request, he has the right to obtain, free of charge, information on stored personal data concerning himself and obtained through the website. He is also entitled to correct, block or delete the data. The user is entitled to revoke his consent in writing to the address of the registered office of KAN. By performing such an act, the User acknowledges that KAN is entitled to refuse to provide the user with services, if such provision requires his consent to the processing of personal data.


Processing of personal data through cookies

Based on § 55 par. 5 of Act no. 351/2011 Coll. on electronic communications KAN uses cookies on its website, which operates cookies. Cookies allow you to customize the operation of the site to the preferences of users. Thanks to cookies, it is possible to analyze the most frequently visited sites and user behavior. Cookies allow us to monitor the effectiveness of our ads and tailor our focus to a specific group of customers. Thanks to cookies, we are able to improve and improve the website so that its use is even easier and more convenient.

Cookies are small text files sent and stored on your device (computer or other device with internet access) that you use when browsing the website. Cookies do not damage your device that you use to browse the website.

Cookies are used in order to optimally create and constantly improve our services, adapt them to your interests and needs and improve their structure and content.

Internet browsers are usually pre-configured to automatically accept cookies. KAN does not use automatic acceptance of data due to the fact that personal data may be processed here as well. When you visit KAN, the website will explicitly ask you if you agree to the use of cookies and at the same time give you the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time.

KAN is entitled to process the user of its website, in particular to collect connection and computer data, in particular the IP address, browser type and settings, operating system, as well as other parameters related to the operating system of the user's computer.

Security measures for the processing of personal data

In order to protect the personal data of the persons concerned, we have implemented several security measures. These measures are also applied to the processes of information collection, storage, processing and processing  liquidation and  they are aimed at protecting the personal data of the persons concerned against damage, destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access and disclosure, provision or disclosure, as well as against any other inadmissible processing methods.

The security of personal data is ensured by the technical, organizational and personnel measures taken, which  correspond to the way personal data are processed. Personal data is processed using manual as well as automated means of data processing, within our information systems and is secured and protected in accordance with the relevant security standards and regulations on personal data protection.

The right to process personal data derives from our employees as authorized persons from the employment relationship, from  other similar relationship, as well as from generally binding legal regulations. An authorized person according to the Personal Data Protection Act a  General Data Protection Regulation means any natural person who comes into contact with personal data in the course of his employment, civil service, employment relationship, membership relationship, by delegation, election or appointment or in the exercise of a public office and who processes personal data data to the extent and in the manner specified in  generally binding legislation, and  internal regulations of KAN. By taking security measures, we prevent unauthorized persons from any unauthorized access to the processed personal data, manipulation of technical equipment intended for the processing of personal data or their protection and manipulation with personal data carriers, and provides authorized persons with access to personal data to the extent necessary to perform their duties or tasks. contained in the instruction.

We do not disclose the personal data of the persons concerned without the consent of the person concerned.

We store and protect personal data concerning the data subject for the period stipulated by the valid legal regulations. Personal data for which the authorization to process has expired a  keep, delete.

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